Browse Items (213 total)

Maps showing the Naval air station plan of 1944.

An aerial photo of the development of the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center in 2005.

Antique Coal Mining Headlamp most likely used by a miner in the coal mines under and around Cougar Mountain / Coal Creek.

Image of a humming bird.

This plaque designates the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks as a National Landmark. The locks were one of the first facilities constructed (and still remaining today) with the capacity to transport ocean-going vessels through the Lake Washington Ship Canal.

Image is from the erection of The Chief-of-All-Women Pole, which was stolen from an Alaskan Tlingit community and then placed by white thieves in Seattle's Pioneer Square in 1899. This was Seattle's first piece of public art. The people in the photo…

Ballast Island Encampment.jpg
"Indian families came by canoe to the Seattle waterfront, where they camped on their way to work in the hopfields upriver. They were allowed to stay on a bleak parcel of land created by the ballast dumped from ships that took on cargoes of grain or…

Describes the rearing and spawning of the salmon species, and introduces the different types of salmon in various habitats. It includes the phases of migration entering and returning to the ocean while utilizing the stream.

This is the new industrial district of Seattle; it has outgrown the 3 acres which confines Pioneer Square.

Pictures of flora growing underground, receiving energy from artificial lights or from glass skylights in the sidewalks. Like the underground cities of mycelium and insect life of the forest soils, so too are cities more than a concrete surface.
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